Alternative natural treatment to correct
Male Pattern Hair Loss and Benign Prostate Hypoplasia and Enlargement
Healthy benefits without side effects after taking four supplements
Additional format has been produced on this website, page name MPHL-formula for all sufferers of both Male Pattern Hair Loss and Benign Prostate Enlargement
A further promotional video can now be viewed on Naturootz Instagram for application purposes.
Evidence left side, crown hairline parting which is proof of a natural hair regrowth-August 2024.
Image October 2024,new hair growing from hairline to crown.
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nb. formulas universal benefits were realised during this period of treatment, a trial for follicle regrowth was found to reverse enlarged prostate, correcting all BPH syptoms as prolonged to present day.
Sebaceous glands awaken with visible new hair ref. above photo (blemishes on scalp show the glands active) in untouched image.
It is already known Testerone is converted into Dihydrotesterone. A chemically similiar androgen ( the Dht is responsible for flooding the sebatious gland,stem cell bulb,root parts causing it's dormancy ) cells consist of enzyme 5-alpha reductase.
"I know the DHT has a direct relationship with enzyme 5-alpha and the key is the holistic inhibtors, 4 of which make up the formula whose action control the rates of hormone production."
The 5-alpha inhibitors equivalent supplements control the production of DHT and therefore metabolise regulated DHT throughout, as a biproduct the sebatious glands with all the hair bulb parts begin to waken from the dormant state.
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Foreword : My life with MPHL
I began losing my hair when I was 21 years old. The hair became first thin then fell out gradually over a ten year period. Then in my thirties, it became baron from hairline to crown in a more dramatic period of shedding.
At the time when I was using these drugs very little knowledge of the adverse effects was commonly available to the user. To be fair most of my research has since been found through the advent of the internet. I knew in the beginning of male pattern hair loss thier was no genetic pre-dispositiion in my family, since recent study leaves me no doubt genetics and hormones act inconjuction in loss or gain of cell production.No such thing as heretic baldness rather maternal ill practices upto birth and during infancy.
I discovered the cause of hormone imbalance unaddressed is directly related to the use of androgenic drugs and those side effects. Heretic male pattern hair loss has been concocted, so I will eventually find the source of hair loss.
In youth, I never imagined a future of Male Pattern Hair Loss. A full body and volume, if I had foresight the full side effects of androgenic steroids, my use of them was a cost too high literally and practicaly.
Through this upsetting period, I trialed everything on the market over some thirty years to put a stop to progressive male pattern hair loss. Tablets, sprays, even went as far to sign up for expensive hair procedure like FUT (result was semi respectable) however the hair graft that was harvested was already weak and damaged. It had already minituarised due to the effects the DHT had inflicted on the once healthy hair root. The upshot was nothing I tried satisfied my need to reverse the male pattern hair loss.
Sometime during the last quarter of 2015, something happened that forced me to reflect on my life so far, I was having uncontrolled urges and flow issues when passing fluid. I was told by my Doctor, I have an enlarged prostate with benign prostate hypoplasia. Previously I never had challenges of my vitality and my general health was great. It was a shock to receive this news, so I decided the need to reavaluate my health, consequently, I knew the need for further research was present. After a considerable time spent carefully researching ways to challenge my enlarged prostate. I found a probable cause so I then looked for the attributes associated to it's cause. By result of trialing four supplements for hair loss primarily, I reversed my PSA and achieved a normal sized prostate. To my Doctors amazement my PSA score had radically decreased, after several months of taking four supplements (daily) my PSA fell to 0.3 which was a absurdly low. The additional side effect of this supplementary diet was even more impressive. As a biproduct of self treatment for my prostrate. I witnessed other physical changes that I could see with my own eye. Beetween 4-6 months of taking daily supplements the hair on my crown was beginning to grow back. I admit questioning my eyesight at the time especially as it could only be seen using a mirror, however I had a confidant verify my findings to be true!
"I want to inform with you the reader, your hair loss, waterwork issues, many other health issues are a direct result of drug use and thier side effects which cause hormone defficiency".
Research led me to find the reasons for such dramatic changes in my overall health a revelation.
"I can guarantee the authenticity in my testomonial and its claims is genuine and sincere".
"I want to share the success that I achieved with as many subscribers, I am 100 percent confident in the effectiveness of these supplements taken in combination have been succesfully tested and approved by myself alongside other trialees since."
Pineal calcification
Regen strong or weak?
Association between vertical baldness and coronary heart disease. Over production of DHT claims another conditional illness.
Video cut short/ herbal tincture- 1x 1000mg amino acid- 2x plant extract capsules- 3x cold pressed oil gelatine capsules.
The golden four 5ar formula is currently undisclosed of each seperate parts are witheld. I hope to disclose at a time when a secure copyright is gained.
False claims based on a supposed 5AR inhibitors discredit the true supplements which act as a authentic inhibitor.
Progress to cure. The following comments are related to prostate reversal in this video.
It must also be understood both conditions ( BPH and MPHL ) are both corrected at source by the controlled balance of hormones.
My story of MPHL and BPE.
"Universal health is founded by hormonal balance, at the heart is DHT suppression"
Health Benefits
Other Products versus MPHL formula
Topical minoxdil and oral finasteride sold as Propecia are currently expensive solutions. It has some success however the hair grown is fine and exists while taking the hair solution only. More importantly at least one has negative side affects, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, reduced ejaculate. Topical minoxdil seems only to produce some velus hair in areas of no growth (research. Topical minoxdil sold as Regaine).
Propecia (Finasteride causes sexual dysfunction in 3.4 to 15.8% of treated men) has suggested results claiming to block the DHT from harming vital nutrients to the hair follicle, synthetic materials cannot improve nutient supply channels merely stem the level damage to the hair roots.
"However, Propecia cannot block the DHT effectively as it is synthetic responses do not correct these issues at the source. I know DHT is harmful in it's unregulated over production from the origin of it's host androgen and receptor which is the true precursor to it's damage on the hair follicle and predominantly the root."
Additionaly, Finasteride has moderate success in tests. It proved hair was regrown at 227 hairs per square inch however it is well below the average of 2,200 per square inch which suggests its not regrowing with potential and effects are minute, natural hair regrowth has 100% restored from it source.
"Naturaly regrown hair occurs through a complete correction to all the hairs bulb and root parts are gradualy restored due to criticaly controlled hormone production".
Obvious benefits with my recommendation of supplements. These benefits are :
(1.) You will be growing hair from a natural occuring response to supplementation. I can guarantee only has positive results with no negative side effects.
(2.) The hair regrown will be strong healthy over time, not fine baby down like the alternatives.
(3.) It will be growing from it's root, in the same fashion it did before it was lost in it's dormancy.
(4.) You will additionally benefit from reversing a enlarged prostrate. As a sufferer, you will improve function as a result as I can attest. Hormone correction allows a multude of health benefits to the subscriber by undressing any ailments.
(5.) The regrown hair will be grown from the root insitu. It will be as new, healthier, original pigment, increased hair follicle weight.
"Natural regrowth has a 8 year term due to the extent of the processes that were previously experienced in infancy, this duration is justified given its various stages to regrowth 0-100,000 scalp hairs which can be significantly reduced depends on the hosts degree of baldness".
This is I believe a "win, win " for any subscriber. My offer to combine these four essential supplements you will reap the rewards when taken consistently. I personally have been taken this combination of supplements for 7 years. You can see the results, I intend to regularly update my photos/ library from herein. It will rubber stamp the authenticity of my reversal to you the subscriber.
Alternative costs of solutions versus the holistic supplement formulated equivalent will not only save you money. You will be made up with the results by witnessing your hair regrowing naturally overtime. You will find you no longer feel down and depressed with the way you look as mans pride begins to regrow!
Hair Biology
In adulthood, DHT contributes to balding or male pattern hair loss, prostrate growth, and sebaceous gland activity. Sebaceous glands secrete the oily, waxy substance called sebum. Sex steroids are known to affect the rate of sebum secretion. Androgens such as testosterone have been shown to stimulate secretion and estrogens have been shown to inhibit secretion. Dihydrotestosterone acts as the primary androgen in the prostrate and in hair follicles. The major androgen in males is testosterone. Dihydrotestosterone and androstenedione are of equal importance in male development. Androgens bind to active androgen receptors to mediate most of thier biological effects. 5a- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) was 2.4 more times more potent than testosterone at maintaining normal prostrate weight and duct lumen mass (this is a measure of epithelial cell function stimulation). Whereas, DHT was equally potent as Testosterone at preventing protrate cell death after castration.
To add Endogenous Retinoids metabolic defect is a key part of the pathogenisis Alopecia Areata. Retinoids have found use in medicine where they regulate epithaelial cell growth!
"I believe the regulation of androgens and thier receptors in thier healthy production of 5a-DHT cannot be empathised enough to normalise cell function".
I wanted to go further into rabbit hole to find the answers to this biological metamorphous. I firmly believe the origin is irregulation and imbalance of hormones by host androgen receptor giving false signals. The effects that androgens have on the human body (virilasition, masculation, anabolism) are not brought about by androgens themselves. They are the result of androgens bound to androgen receptors. The androgen receptor mediates the effects of androgens in the human body.
Additionally, when initiating on a course of androgenic steriods, we all risk the adverse effects to both LDL (low density lipoproteins) & HDL (high density lipoproteins). It has been proven in clinical tests to effect 13 out of 25 host subjects. In these people with adversley effected readings resulted in acne, irratibilty as listed side effects.
"I believe androgen receptor regulation and balance allows a persisting control at this end to normalised protein distrubution and so create cell health universaly within the human body."
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 5a-dihydrotestosterone, 5a-DHT, androstanolone or stanolone) is an endogenous androgen sex steroid and hormone. The enzyme 5a-reductase catalyzes the formation of DHT from testosterone in certain tissues including the prostrate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymides, skin, hair follicles, liver and brain. This enzyme mediates reduction of the C4-5 double bond of testosterone. DHT is considerably more potent as an agonist of the androgen receptor ( If it falls out of accord with 5a-reductase it becomes the antoginist). Without normalised DHT production discord takes over in the receptor.
5a- reductase reduces the steroid double bond in Testosterone to it's more active form of DHT. Thus inhibition results in decreased amounts of DHT because of this slight elevation in Testosterone and Estradiol levels occur.
The 5a- reductase reaction is a rate limiting step in the Testosterone reduction. This involves binding of NADPH to the enzyme followed by the substrate.
Substrate + NADPH + H+ -> 5a substrate + NADP
"Remember, if you want to find the answer to a problem you look for it's source."
"All the above information refers back to the relevance of enzyme control. The regulation over not only DHT production but importantly cellular health."
Enzyme inhibitors also occur naturaly. They are involved in the regulation of metabolism.
"I have found those supplements when combined act as natural enzyme inhibitor!"
"I was astounded to find, if you take a natural alternative in the form of inhibitors. You can regulate these changes by the androgen receptors."
The outcome for me has been profound still ongoing. I intend to continue my progress in the future. I will research all fields of study so I can continue to inform my subscribers with additional data, content.
"In a world of insincere propagators, I can genuinly claim all the health corrections to be completely sincere and I am sure many other benefits are internaly born, not yet recognised".
"Please feel free to contact me personally for further information. You can receive my recommendations of supplements at a small cost to yourself. You will be given guidance on adminstering and the specific supplements that reversed my hair loss."
To sufferers of hair loss MPHL and enlarged prostate and BPH
I can supply golden four natural formula by request and guarantee the multipule health benefits with results
Your welcome to review the content and images herein. I will endeauver to ammend any changes I feel are necessary to improve the features of the website for the benefit of all my visitors. Thank you.